Listen Closely

Listen Closely

One of my favorites

Werner Heisenberg Quote meme

To the best of my knowledge the picture this meme is based on is in the public domain. If I am infringing on anyone’s copyright I will be happy to remove it if you send me proof of ownership.

Feel free to use this meme without giving me any credit or recognition.


Fine-Tuned Position In Galaxy

Fine Tuned Galaxy

My first post for Fine-Tuned Fridays. I figure that if I feature a different fine-tuning point each Friday I can keep this going a long time. This week’s is about our position in the Milky Way.

We are positioned between spiral arms of the galaxy in a relatively empty area of space. This is important because if we were situated within a denser region of an arm we would be subject to a much higher amount of radiation, and would more likely to suffer nearby supernovas and gamma-ray bursts.

This position in the galaxy also allows us to make observations of the universe. There are no large nebulae or star clusters to drown out the light from more distant objects. The Coal Sack of dust between us and the galactic center blocks the blinding light from that direction.

We are situated about halfway between the galactic center and the outer edge of the galaxy. If we were closer to the center we would be subject not only to the same dangers as inside an arm, but by the massive amounts of radiation that the central black hole emits when it is in a feeding phase. If we were in the outer part of the disk there would not be enough heavier elements to create planets, or provide the chemistry for life. There is evidence that our system was formed closer in, in cluster of other stars, and migrated out to it’s present position. This provided an abundance of heavy elements for formation, and a quiet neighborhood for maturity.

We are placed just inside the co-rotation distance from the center, which means that we revolve around the galaxy at roughly the same rate as the spiral arm structure, which keeps us in our area between arms and avoids dangerous arm crossings. If we were at exactly the co-rotation distance it would set up gravitational instabilities in our system, so just inside that distance is optimal.

Our orbit around the galactic center is remarkably flat. if it were to oscillate too much and carry us too far beyond the plane of the elliptic we would emerge from behind the Coal Sack and other intervening matter, and would be bombarded by deadly radiation from the core.

The more observations we make, the more we discover how unlikely we are. Virtually everything we measure about our reality shows a narrow range of circumstances for life. In my judgement this is strong evidence for design. You are free to believe what you want.

Why Do Atheists Still Believe in a Flat Earth?

Why Do Atheists Still Believe in a Flat Earth?

Last week I had an online exchange with a very contrary atheist that kept changing the subject every time I tried to get him to back up his assertions. One of the things that he brought up was the “fact” that the Bible said the earth was flat. He claimed several times that the Bible didn’t know the earth was round because we didn’t discover it until the 1600s, therefore the Bible was written by man.


I always find it amusing when the very people who say that they do not believe in God because “there is no evidence” neglect to check the evidence of their own claims. They are not only denying the vast amount of evidence for God, but they base their arguments on myths and atheistic memes that a simple Google search would dispel. Which one of us is really working from “blind faith”?

Here is a James Hannam quote from a Wikipedia article that was at the top of the list on a Google search for “flat earth”;

The myth that people in the Middle Ages thought the earth is flat appears to date from the 17th century as part of the campaign by Protestants against Catholic teaching. But it gained currency in the 19th century, thanks to inaccurate histories such as John William Draper’s History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science (1874) and Andrew Dickson White’s A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (1896). Atheists and agnostics championed the conflict thesis for their own purposes, but historical research gradually demonstrated that Draper and White had propagated more fantasy than fact in their efforts to prove that science and religion are locked in eternal conflict.[9]

And another quote from the same article;

According to Stephen Jay Gould, “there never was a period of ‘flat earth darkness’ among scholars (regardless of how the public at large may have conceptualized our planet both then and now). Greek knowledge of sphericity never faded, and all major medieval scholars accepted the Earth’s roundness as an established fact of cosmology.”[3] Historians of science David Lindberg and Ronald Numbers point out that “there was scarcely a Christian scholar of the Middle Ages who did not acknowledge [Earth’s] sphericity and even know its approximate circumference”.[4]

So you see, this historical myth is widely known to be false and easy to debunk with only a few moments’ research. In the past, with the widespread illiteracy and lack of education, it is understandable if the common man had some misconceptions, but anyone spreading such falsehoods about history in the present day is either willfully ignorant, or intentionally malicious. This is not to say that some primitive or eastern cultures did not adhere to this belief, but this was far from universal. This looks like another one of those things, that when repeated often enough, takes on a life of its’ own. It doesn’t matter that it has been thoroughly refuted, it is a standard part of their toolbox and they refuse to give it up.

Later I may address the Bible verses that critics use to claim a Judeo-Christian flat earth tradition. I suspect that it will be a lengthy post as there are many ways to twist the scriptures, and many scriptures to twist. The atheist I was dealing with refused to point to a specific passage to support his declaration, preferring to accuse me of not knowing my Bible. I guess he was expecting me to make his case for him. The closest thing to a reference I got from him was “look it up in Deuteronomy and Job”. When I started researching what verses are popularly used to support such accusations I found none listed for either of those books. Hmm, methinks he was just blowing smoke and had no idea what he was talking about, just passing along something he had heard, again.

I have had some very interesting debates with atheists. Thoughtful people who have had a case to make and have had support for their claims. We have had polite arguments that ended without hard feelings and with agreements to disagree. Unfortunately these are the exceptions, not the rule. Most internet atheists (at least the most vocal ones) seem to prefer to shout about lack of proof on your part, while expecting you to accept their unsubstantiated assertions. They deny any evidence you present while expecting you to accept their bald proclamations as fact, proclamations that they themselves have never bothered to research. Why do they bother?

OK, I’m done with my rant now. I was feeling very frustrated over this and it feels better to get it off of my chest. I see it as an instance of casting pearls before swine, and realize that I should expect this once in awhile.


**I have posted an update to this post!**

Sex Objects are not People

This video was going around on Facebook lately and it brought up an issue that has been on my mind ever since I viewed it. She talked about a study that performed brain scans on men while showing them pics of women in bikinis vs pics of women dressed modestly. I found it interesting so I did a little research and found that there were a couple of studies performed by Susan Fiske and her team at Princeton University.

The studies show that the area of the brain that deals with tools becomes active when looking at women in bikinis (and presumably any other provocative dress). They were surprised to find that the part of the brain that is used when we think about another person’s intentions was completely inactive in some instances. Fiske said. “The lack of activation in this social cognition area is really odd, because it hardly ever happens.”

This shows that the provocatively dressed women were not thought of as actual people, but only as objects. This is no moral judgement on the men involved in the study, as it was nothing that they were in conscience control of, but it shows we are hard-wired this way. The obvious significance of this is the point made in the video about modesty and how others perceive you. It is true that this doesn’t excuse rude or evil behavior on the man’s part, but it also tells the woman she should not be surprised if she gets this reaction.

I was thinking about other implications.

If you look at this through an evolutionary lens it makes sense one way but not another. From the male side it makes sense because according to evolution rape is a perfectly fine way to get your genes into the next generation. If you do not see the woman as a person it would make it easier to abuse her. From the female side it would seem that modesty would be a survival trait. If they stayed covered-up they would be able to relate more as a person and have less of a chance of being violated and possibly injured or killed in the process.

If you look at this through a Biblical lens you see the instructions of I Timothy 2:9-10 and I Peter 3:2-5 to dress modestly, because true beauty comes from within, in a different light. If men look on the outside they see objects, if they look on the inside they see people. Yet another small example from modern science that shows the Bible knows best.

First Funny Monday Pic

First Funny Monday Pic

Why yet another Apologetics blog?

Good question, glad you asked.

I am not going to claim to have any special insights, or advanced training. I am not formally educated, or have special life experience. I am not going to try to convince you that I am even worth listening too at all. All I know is that I know the Gospel, and I have a voice, so I am commanded to share. If I reach only one soul it will be worth it. If I don’t, well, putting things in writing is always helpful in order to sort things out in my own mind.

I think it was J Warner Wallace that first said that the world doesn’t need a million-dollar apologist, but a million one-dollar apologists. That phrase has stuck with me and has inspired the name for this blog. I am not sure I qualify even as a one-dollar apologist, but I am able to put in my two cents.

I have been studying Christian Apologetics for almost two years now. I have read a large number of books on the subject and have been constantly watching lectures and debates (driving my wife crazy in the process). I listen to podcasts while working and follow many Apologetics pages on my phone. Recently I have been engaging atheists in the comment sections of social network sites, with mixed results. I have not received any formal training, but have always been auto-didactic, and have picked up an eclectic supply of information. I can’t seem to make up my mind yet on any certain topic to really delve into. I am hoping that this blog will help me organize my thoughts and allow me to find my own voice.

If you are reading this post it means that I have reached at least one person, and that you are interested enough to go back to the humble beginnings of this site to see how it started. Let me say to you, if I can do it, so can you.

Salvation Through Jesus

Putting in my 2 cents on the important stuff

Putting in my 2 cents on the important stuff

Tough Questions Answered

A Christian Apologetics Blog

Deeper Waters

Diving into the ocean of truth.

The Poached Egg Christian Worldview and Apologetics Network

Putting in my 2 cents on the important stuff

Christian Apologetics Alliance

answering seekers, equipping Christians, and demonstrating the truth of the Christian worldview

Stand to Reason

Putting in my 2 cents on the important stuff

Jesus & Dawkins

What do pop culture, Christianity, science, and atheism have in common? This blog.