Maybe the Earth Was Flat After All

One of the first posts on this blog was about an online conversation I had about past belief in a flat earth. Since then I have learned more about ancient middle-eastern cosmology, and how it affected the way things were presented in the Old Testament. I have recently re-read the original post, and while I stand by much of the things I said, there is a need to update it to reflect what I have learned since then.

Thanks to my friend Herman I have looked into this issue from a different perspective and have changed my mind on certain aspects, but not on others. Though I now think that the ancient Hebrews had a flat earth cosmology, I’m not convinced that was the case in the New Testament. After all, Eratosthenes of Cyrene had measured the circumference of the earth rather accurately some 200 years before Christ, and Rome had spread Greek philosophies throughout its empire. I haven’t found anything in the New Testament to suggest otherwise.

In the past year or two I have been studying some of Michael Heiser’s books, podcasts, and YouTube videos. I find some of his work rather far-fetched, though interesting. Since he writes for Logos Bible software I tend trust his Hebrew scholarship. It seems like he has pretty solid credentials for knowing the language, background, and mindset of people at that time and place.

This image, posted by Heiser, shows their cosmology model;

Ancient Hebrew Cosmology

So, it appears that they did believe in a flat earth. Does that mean that we can’t trust anything in the Bible? Since their cosmology was wrong does that mean that we shouldn’t believe their historical writings, or their philosophy, or theology? Since God spoke to them on their level, in a way they could understand, does that mean he didn’t know any better himself?

Let’s assume you answered yes to any or all of these questions. Let’s also apply that reasoning to other aspects of history.

Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest minds in history. His work on understanding gravity, the laws of motion, optics and mathematics were revolutionary and advanced science in ways unheard of. Much of modern science can trace its foundation back to his work. Did you know that Newton also studied alchemy? In fact, it is thought he wrote more on that subject than on any other. He spent much effort in attempting to discover the Philosopher’s Stone and the Elixir of Life, things that would get him laughed out of any society of scientists nowadays, but were completely acceptable areas of research in his day. Since we are so much more enlightened today should we dismiss his entire body of work because a good portion of it would be considered fantasy?

Did you know that the death of the father of our country, George Washington, is thought to have been, at least partially, attributed to the practice of bloodletting? That he became ill and insisted on the procedure himself? At that time bloodletting was an accepted way of curing disease. It is likely that Thomas Jefferson, the writer of our Constitution, also accepted the practice. Does that mean that the Declaration of Independence is suspect and should not be trusted, now that we know more about medicine?

Of course not. You judge their work on the merits of the work itself. What does alchemy have to do with gravity? What do leeches have to do with the Constitution? Nothing. On that same standard what does cosmology have to do with the Bible? Is it a book of physics or mathematics? Does it present the scientific method?

The Bible is a collection of books on theology, history, philosophy, wisdom, morality. It teaches about the human condition and our place in the world. It doesn’t teach any particular cosmology, though it does reference common beliefs of the time in order to present other types of truths. If God would have mentioned aspects of quantum mechanics no one at the time would have had the foggiest notion what he was talking about. I actually find it encouraging that we do not have to reach any pinnacle of understanding before God can communicate to us. It is rather arrogant to assume that we have it all figured out now, that we don’t have any false assumptions today. It is comforting that he will meet us where we are in order to teach us what we need to know about him and our purpose.

Evil is No Fairy Tale

There is a report recently making the rounds about a millennial couple, Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan, who decided to take time off from their jobs and bike across the world. There were many posts on their joint blog claiming that they didn’t believe in evil, that though people sometimes do bad things, people were overwhelmingly good at heart. They traveled across much of Africa and Europe, enjoying the trip and the people they met, until they approached the Middle East.Jay-Austin-and-Lauren-Geoghegan-8

Their trip, and their lives, ended there.

They found out the hard way that evil is real. Evil ideologies are real. Evil people are real. They were run down, run over, and attacked with knives by an ISIS group.

One of the most disturbing lies that western society has fallen for is the belief that all people are good at heart, that there may be evil people out there, but only because they are mentally deranged or damaged. This is not only wrong, but dangerous. Every one of us has the potential for great evil, the same way every one of us has the potential for great good. They are the two extremes of free will.

A couple of years ago seeing a decorative plaque that said “Follow Your Heart” prompted a family discussion on whether that advise was good or bad. I asked my girls “Since two of my favorite things to eat are chocolate and bacon, what would happen if I followed my heart and only ate those two things?” They understood my point right away and it was easy for them to come up with their own examples. We looked into the Bible and found that;

“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” –Jeremiah 17:9

In July of 1961 a famous study was conducted at Yale University, named the Stanley Migram Experiment. Volunteers were put in charge of administering electrical shocks to subjects when they failed to remember and repeat word-pair combinations correctly. They were told to increase the voltage as they went, eventually raising the intensity to levels clearly marked as dangerous. Unknown to them the subjects were actors who were not receiving actual shocks, just feigning more and more anguish as the experiment progressed. The experts were shocked (ha ha) to discover a full 65% of normal, everyday New England residents continued to give increasingly powerful shocks, up to lethal levels, just because someone in authority was telling them to. It was thought that only 1-3% of people tested would be so easily coerced into causing harm to others. After all, people were basically good at heart, weren’t they?

Romans 1:18-32, suggests that one way God displays wrath is to give us over to our own desires, to let us be as bad as we can be. He doesn’t have to actively punish us, He just steps back and lets us destroy ourselves. Some people have called this the most chilling passage in the Bible. This suggests that though we are able to be good without believing in God, we cannot be without his presence or influence, the common grace that we all enjoy.

Richard Wurmbrand, a Romanian Christian minister, observed this first-hand as he was tortured for practicing his faith by the Communist regime of Romania, He observed;

“The cruelty of atheism is hard to believe when man has no faith in the reward of good or the punishment of evil. There is no reason to be human. There is no restraint from the depths of evil which is in man. The Communist torturers often said, “There is no God, no hereafter, no punishment for evil. We can do what we wish.” I have heard one torturer even say, “I thank God, in whom I don’t believe, that I have lived to this hour when I can express all the evil in my heart.” He expressed it in unbelievable brutality and torture inflicted on prisoners.”

Contrast that with Jay Austin’s thoughts before he was murdered;

“You read the papers and you’re led to believe that the world is a big, scary place. People, the narrative goes, are not to be trusted. People are bad. People are evil. I don’t buy it. Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans holding values and beliefs and perspectives different than our own… By and large, humans are kind. Self-interested sometimes, myopic sometimes, but kind. Generous and wonderful and kind.”

By and large most of the people these naïve, unfortunate millennials encountered on their trip were kind and generous. It only took an encounter with a few that were driven by an evil ideology to show then their error in brutal fashion.

If your worldview does not include real, objective evil, then your worldview is not only fundamentally flawed, but dangerous.


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